The subclass 489 visa will close from 16 November 2019.
Department of Home Affairs have announced that the last day for states and territories to nominate and issue invitations for the subclass 489 applicants will be 10 September 2019.
MigrationNT will stop accepting subclass 489 visa nomination applications in the following order:
offshore applicants have already closed on 30 August 2019
onshore applicants – close of business on 6 September 2019.
Applicants must note the following key points:
Large volume of applications received, MigrationNT cannot guarantee that all subclass 489 nomination applications will be finalised before the deadline of 10 September 2019
If the application is not finalised by 10 September 2019, MigrationNT will contact the applicant after this date. If it’s an onshore application and have a visa expiring before 16 November 2019, contact MigrationNT through the online application portal
Key dates
6 September 2019: last day for onshore applicants to lodge nomination application to MigrationNT.
10 September 2019: last day to issue nomination for subclass 489.
16 November 2019: subclass 491 visa program opens
Applicants can lodge an expression of interest for subclass 491 visa through the Department of Home Affairs’ SkillSelect system
Subclass 491 nomination applications can be lodged through the MigrationNT online application.