As part of the Federal Budget 2020-2021 delivered on 06 October 2020, the Morrison Government announced support in form of refunding Visa Application Charge (VAC) or granting waivers to International tourists and temporary visa holders to meet critical skills shortage in Australia.
Visa holders who are eligible for this support include prospective marriage visa holders, temporary skilled workers, Pacific Labour Scheme and Seasonal Worker Programme visa holders, visitor visa holders, and working holiday makers, who have been unable to travel to Australia due travel restriction in place due to COVID-19 pandemic.
The Hon Alan Tudge MP, Acting Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs said, “Australia’s success in managing the COVID-19 pandemic and our economy, will continue to make Australia an attractive destination for tourists and temporary workers. These measures will reinforce that when our borders open up, Australia will remain a nation that welcomes and values our international visitors.”