New changes have been introduced in the ImmiAccount in respect of visas for GP initiatives.
All employers who intend to nominate a position to be filled by a doctor, who needs a visa to work in the ANZSCO occupations 253111, 253112, and 253999 are required to obtain certification (a Health Workforce Certificate) from a Rural Workforce Agency (RWA). A Health Workforce Certificate is a letter issued by a RWA confirming the genuine need to fill a primary healthcare position at a given location in Australia by a doctor.
On choosing any of the three occupations above, a new page will appear in the nomination application advising that a caveat applies to the nominated occupation. Select ‘Position has been endorsed / certified by relevant body’ from the list of reasons a caveat does not apply. At the end of the nomination you will require to upload the “Health Workforce Certificate”. This is a requirement to proceed with the remaining nomination application.