The Arrangements for Child Visa Applications 2016/051 was amended vide the Migration (LIN 20/179: Arrangements for child visa applications) Amendment Instrument 2020 dated 15 July 2020. Accordingly, a compilation of the Arrangements for Child Visa Applications 2016/051 incorporates the amended text of the law and is in force from 17 July 2020, registered on 22 July 2020.
The compilation incorporates the amendment to a drafting error, where the option for an application for visa Subclass 445, for a dependent child outside Australia to be made outside Australia, was removed vide the Migration (LIN 20/049: Arrangements for child visa applications) Amendment Instrument 2020. After the amendment, an application by a dependent child of a visa holder of Subclass 309, 310, 445, 820 or 826 visa outside Australia can be made through Form 918.
To access the compilation of the Arrangements for Child Visa Applications 2016/051, click here.