Migration Amendment (Repeal of Australian Agriculture Worker Stream) Regulations 2022[“the Regulations”], dated 29 September 2022 amends the Migration Regulations 1994 to repeal the Australian Agriculture Worker (AAW) stream from the Temporary Work (International Relations)Subclass 403 visa, which was inserted into visa Subclass 403 on 30 September 2021 to “provide for the temporary entry of agricultural workers under the AAW program administered by DFAT”.
On 4 April 2022, the Migration Amendment (Pacific Australia Labour Mobility) Regulations 2022 repealed the Seasonal Worker Program and the Pacific Labour Scheme streams and replaced them with single Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) stream in Subclass 403. The purpose of the PALM stream is to meet the agricultural workforce shortages by providing for the temporary entry of workers under the PALM scheme administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade(DFAT). Therefore, Agriculture Worker Stream is no longer required as agricultural workers can be accommodated through the PALM stream of Subclass 403 using the existing regulations.
The instrument is registered on the Federal Register of Legislation on 30 September 2022 and commenced on 1 October 2022.
To access the instrument, click here.